AB -


Markings & Placards refont


Airbus 2018 - 2019

The creation of Markings and Placards is not standardized, so anyone can create a placard in the way they like. This has the result of creating heterogeneity that confuses the Markings and Placards’ messages thus increasing the possibility for the maintenance operator to injure himself or to degrade the equipment.
Yann Saint Clair and I had to create all the markings and placards for the aircraft’s maintenance activities using user-centred design approach. M&P must provide contextual informations and knowledges about the maintenance activities to the operator in the work area of the aircraft.

  • User Research
  • User Experience
  • Workshops
  • Interviews
  • Concepts
  • Graphism


The aim of this workshop was to generate as many ideas as possible about M&P and understand the technical, contextual and other limitations.

End-Users interviews

We had interviews with end-users about various topics link to the aircraft, people working close to the aircraft and markings and placards.

Constraints definition

Based on the previous studies and with end-users and client, we defined the constraints for the M&P’s creation.

6 to 1 workshop

The aim of this workshop was to create as many layouts as possible based on the previous constraints.

Final concepts

Based on all the previous steps, we finally arrived to four concepts that will be tested by a large amout of end-users.